12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Полянская Ирина Николаевна294
Россия, Москва, Москва

Environmental problems in Russia in 2024

In 2024, environmental problems in Russia remain relevant and require serious attention. Despite the fact that significant efforts have been made in recent years to improve the environmental situation, many problems still remain unresolved.

One of the main problems in Russia is air pollution. In large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, air pollution levels continue to be high. This is due to the large number of cars, industrial enterprises and other sources of pollution. Water pollution is also a serious problem. In Russia, many rivers and lakes suffer from the dumping of industrial and household waste. This leads to a deterioration in water quality and threatens human health. Waste disposal is another important issue. Russia still has an underdeveloped waste recycling system, which leads to the formation of huge landfills and environmental pollution.

Environmental problems also remain relevant in the Moscow region. The problem of garbage in the Moscow region is one of the most pressing environmental problems. There are a large number of landfills in the Moscow region that pollute the environment and negatively affect people's health. One of the reasons for the garbage problem is an insufficiently developed waste recycling system. There are not enough specialized waste recycling enterprises in the Moscow region, which leads to the formation of huge landfills. In addition, many residents of the Moscow region do not follow the rules of waste disposal. They throw garbage in the wrong places, which leads to environmental pollution. The government of the Moscow region is taking measures to solve the problem of garbage. In particular, new specialized waste recycling enterprises are being created, as well as information campaigns are being conducted to raise public awareness of waste disposal rules. However, despite the measures taken, the problem of garbage in the Moscow region remains relevant. It is necessary to continue working on the development of the waste recycling system and raising public awareness of waste disposal rules. Only through joint efforts will we be able to preserve our planet for future generations.

Environmental compliance is an important factor for maintaining human health and the environment. It is necessary to continue taking measures to improve the environmental situation in Russia. This includes the development of a waste recycling system, reducing emissions from industrial enterprises and cars, as well as improving water quality. Only through joint efforts will we be able to preserve our planet for future generations.


Автор материала: А. Бобрус (2 курс)

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